Rafale aircraft

Apave to provide EMAR expertise to European Defence Agency

Top News04/19/2022
Apave Aeroservices and OSAC (Apave subsidiaries) have been awarded an exclusive 4-year contract valued 440K Euros on EMAR to support the EDA (European Defence Agency) in the management of the MAWA Forum (Military Airworthiness Authorities Forum).
A consortium led by Apave Aeroservices (including OSAC a 100% subsidiary of Apave Group) has been selected by EDA among 5 European bidders to provide support to the Agency and to the MAWA Forum in the development and implementation of European Military Airworthiness Requirements (EMAR), through Training, Workshops, and specific studies.
The EU funded Framework Contract is valued 440.000 Euros and expected to last until 2025.
Apave was able to capitalize on its civil and military expertise in Airworthiness Management as well as from experience acquired through contracts with the EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency), the EDA, the French Civil and Military Aviation Authorities (DGAC, DSAé, DGA), the Belgian Authorities (BMAA), the Norwegian Armed Forces and from industrial stakeholders.

The European military context is characterised by the fact that, on the one hand, each State remains sovereign and is therefore free to make its own choices and to preserve its specific characteristics. In this respect, the EMARs are not mandatory requirements but a reference framework from which each country can define its own applicable requirements.


On the other hand, European countries may have to conduct operations jointly or in association with NATO member countries. They are also associated in the development of European industrial programmes and driven by budget constraints which limit specificities. This calls for harmonisation of requirements or at least the adoption of requirements that allow recognition.

From the outset, it was decided to rely on the European regulation and the feedback it could offer. This is how the EMARs are structured on the basis of the PARTs developed by the EASA.
In this context, the specific targets assigned to Apave for this new contract are:

  • To strengthen the expertise of EDA members through in-depth training on civil aviation regulations, which remains an essential benchmark.
  • To advise the MAWA Forum on the implementation of airworthiness for military aviation based on a thorough knowledge of civil and military systems, their similarities but also their specificities, from their environment, their organisation, their procedures.

