Apave Aeroservices introduces its
RBSR© (Risk Based Safety Review)
More recently Apave Aeroservices has launched its RBSR© (Risk Based Safety Review) that is conducted through preliminary documentation review, interviews, observations, collection of evidences and aircraft inspections. RBSR© is not only based on regulatory compliance but also on the actual safety exposure and risk level of an operator.
Target of our RBSR © is to assess the level of an operator’s safety, based on Apave Aeroservices in-house developed questionnaires of 13 different airline’s domains and using “Farmer” Risk Matrix :
- Organisation & Management
- Quality
- Airworthiness Management
- Maintenance
- Spare Parts & Storage
- Ground Operations (handling)
- Ground Operations (OCC)
- Flight Operations
- Maintenance Staff & Flight Crew Training
- Security plus Aircraft Inspection
The Operator is given a starting capital of 400 points (split over 13 domains), that will be penalized for each identified non-compliance and/or risk affecting safety. The auditee is also questioned about its working environment (office, workshop…) which also makes possible to evaluate his working place and the tools or devices made available for the duties.
Our RBSR © enables to quickly identify the airline’s weaknesses, thus allowing more time to be spent on the identified key safety issues. It also provides clear numerical and percentage outcomes which are highlighted on a graphic type "spider“ for easy and quick understanding.
Did you know ?
The final report will be very clearly understandable, including an executive summary and based on visual and quantifiable items.
A corrective action plan will then be drafted with focus on key priorities and underlining safety and productivity gains.
In 2020 Apave Aeroservices has been selected for a 4-year Framework Contract by TOTAL ENERGIES to provide safety audits capabilities, assessing the safety level of fixed-wings and rotary wings aircraft operators in countries, where aviation oversight capabilities are below International standards.
Our RBSR has already been implemented in the frame of safety audits and safety reviews performed at dozen of civil and military fixed and rotary-wing aircraft operators worldwide.
Total selects Apave Aeroservices to provide audit and inspection services

Why choosing
Apave Aeroservices?

International reach


Service oriented