drone in a hand


Apave Group decided to task Apave Aeroservices with the development of a UAS Air and Ground Risk Assessment methodology aiming at evaluating the safety of drones operations:  Certidrones® was born and officially launched at the Paris Air Show in 2017, then further strengthened and presented in its military version at the 2019 edition.

Over the years, Apave Aeroservices has designed, tested and implemented state-of-the-art risk assessment methodologies to continuously improve the services they provide to key aviation stakeholders, civil and military authorities as well as defence companies. This has been applied to fix, rotary wing and unmanned aircraft systems.


Witnessing the increased utilisation of drones and being itself a UAV user for many of its own inspections (nuclear, rail or solar infrastructures), Apave Group decided to task Apave Aeroservices with the development of a UAS Air and Ground Risk Assessment methodology aiming at evaluating the safety of drones operations:  Certidrones® was born and officially launched at the Paris Air Show in 2017, then further strengthened and presented in its military version at the 2019 edition.


Did you know ?

Picto light bulb
With qualification tests offered by Sopemea and safety audits performed by Apave Aeroservices, the Apave group offers drone manufacturers and operators a complete solution to control their risks.
5 risks related to UAS operations scheme
5 risks related to UAS operations scheme

Certidrones® methodology was designed to focus on UAV operational specificities and in particular, the technical redundancy of equipment, the maintenance, the mission preparation, the training and qualification of remote pilots, the insurance policies. The Certidrones® Air and Ground risk assessment itself includes the loss of UAV control, the flight area limit excursion, the take-off and landing zones intrusion, the loss of video and the projection of foreign object. 

Certidrones® was implemented within the Apave Group to better evaluate and select its own UAV operators. In addition it was brought to the commercial market and selected by several civil and military UAV operators in Europe willing to obtain a safety label enabling them to create a value added on a vast and non-regulated market. As it was the case for the Apave Group, Certidrones® is a way of reassuring companies sub-contracting drone operations about the risk level and the actual maturity of such activities.

Apave Aeroservices global Assessment of those 5 risks related to UAS operations takes into consideration:

  • Maintenance
  • Mission preparation
  • Training and qualification of the remote pilots
  • Technical redundancies of the material
  • Insurance policies


Apave Aeroservices then issues a report including recommendations to mitigate the risks related to UAS operations and key deliverables such as:

  • Risk Assessment of the proposed scenarios
  • Recommendations on the flight conditions
  • General recommendations about the delivery (or not) of a Military Permit to Fly


Download the Certidrones brochure  : Certidrones Brochure logo pdf


EDA released its results on Risks Assessment for military UAS

The European Defence Agency informed bidders about the results a call for tender on Risks Assessment for non-certified military UAS (unmanned aircraft systems): Apave Aeroservices offer (in consortium with OSAC) was ranked second, despite a technical proposal recording the best score among all 5 competitors.
Military drone

Why choosing

Apave Aeroservices?

figure 1

International reach

Apave development has resulted in a network of about 40 international subsidiaries and with 20% of its 12.400 workforce and revenues coming from abroad. Apave Aeroservices is international by nature and rely on our shareholder’s commitment to further develop the proximity to our aviation customers.
figure 2


Apave Group is known for its historic associative culture. Apave Aeroservices is independent from any financial or industrial stakeholders, making it a trustful and reliable third party for risks assessment and risks management. Our core values are integrity, expertise and customer satisfaction.
figure 3

Service oriented

Apave Aeroservices is able to provide you with an access to one of the best and largest team of civil and military aviation safety experts available in Europe. Our SME and project managers respond quickly to your requests to identify your needs and to address your concerns.

