Apave Aeroservices, OSAC and SixFoisSept (all Apave Group companies) have therefore joined their strengths to develop a digital solution for applying RPBO to the oversight of approved aviation organisations and aircraft.
Apave combined its project management, airworthiness and artificial intelligence expertise to build a unique service offer that allows civil and military Aviation Authorities to improve the effectiveness of their oversight and optimise their resources by modulating the frequency and nature of their inspections.
Applied to approved organisations, aircraft and safety events, the RPBO solution is a tool for defining and steering oversight activities.
Did you know ?
How does it work ?
Once the existing data has been consolidated and the indicators accurately defined and standardised, the Semaphore Risk Oversight© algorithm developed by SixFoisSept establishes a risk profile by crossing criteria of occurrence probability and severity of consequences. With this solution, the Aviation Authority can optimise its organisation and resources, and is able to justify its oversight cycle with a robust and transparent scientific approach.
EASA explains the relationship between Performance-based Oversight (PBO) and Risk-based Oversight (RBO) as:
The concept of "performance" conveys the idea of tangibly measuring the health of the system under scrutiny and ultimately assessing its overall performance. Performance indicators, as a means to measure, may specifically help to either identify risks within that system or measure safety risks or monitoring actions mitigating these risks. This means that a PBO can also support the identification of areas of greater risk and serve the risk assessment and mitigation exercise. This is where PBO meets RBO.
Based on a given company risk profile, the implementation of RPBO consists in tailoring the oversight programmes in order to precisely target the risks factors. This new approach is therefore taking into account:
- The evolution of organisations, procedures, Information System and of the monitoring of the staff competence
- The performance of risks management analysis, within the Apave Group but also for third parties in Europe
- The evolution of oversight methods, including the duration of oversight cycles, the content of such Risk Based Oversight and the nature of oversight actions
How does our support look like?

Since each Aviation Authority has its specificities and constraints, our approach consists in offering a customised solution, ranking from the selection of isolated modules to the development of a complete structured and adaptable approach:
- Diagnosis carried out by our subject matter experts (SME) of each targeted aviation domains (SMS, QMS, AIR, OPS, PEL, etc)
- Assessment of the suitability of prerequisites, information systems and data
- Joint definition and assessment of risk criteria
- Customised design and deployment of Semaphore Risk Oversight©
- Implementation of change management within the organisations
Why choosing
Apave Aeroservices?

International reach


Service oriented